Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Greatest

There is a new person in my world who I call "Life Coach". Life Coach sent me a form to fill out which involved a lot of goal making. Then, LC and I went over the form together. I quickly realized my goals were actually very easily attainable, and I hadn't once mentioned anything like a dream goal. This struck me as very telling. I distinctly recall a childhood full of sweeping proclamations. In fact, just saying any of them aloud is almost embarrassing at this point. What if someone hears me say "I want to be rich!" or "I want to be an architect!" Perhaps shooting for the moon in some ways, but certainly not crazy. Somewhere along the line I was told that these things weren't possible and now I have to unlearn. I cannot believe it is happening; all those little tidbits that self help books have been extolling about unlearning is all true. Brain habits. I need to break some brain habits.

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