Friday, March 20, 2009

Central Park + Cachaça = Bikram Yoga

After a morning of recovering from the aforementioned weekend with some old chums from abroad, I cleaned myself up and made my way to 110th street for a charity event sponsored by the Central Park Conservancy. From the second my foot hit the highly polished floor, I knew two things: I was glad I went to the event alone and I was definitely not going to blend in with the crowd. For the next two hours I rubbed shoulders with a flock of people I can safely assume I will never see again. It was a room full of perfect smiles and angles clad in the latest Fifth Avenue offered. After emptying my first plastic cup of some delicious passion fruit laced Cachaça elixer, I attempted a bit of a mingle in the small room, and landed in the corner where I could look out over the Blandana Republic. I made my way to the cocktail table again, this time opting for a strawberry and prosecco laced drink, and then slowly worked my way around the room again, this time in a counter clockwise direction. (I really know how to shake things up.) It was during this journey that I passed the silent auction table. Regarding the "prizes", I noticed that not only were the bids low, but they were virtually non-existant. Slightly buzzed and feeling heady with the thrill of being on the water (does the Harlem Meer count?), I decided that bikram yoga would be a good thing for me AND what were the chances that any of the attendees of this event really went as far south as 14th street on any given day, much less to sweat their asses off. So, I jotted down my bid, the second on the list, and worked my way over to someone I had been introduced to a month prior.
Cocktail, round snack, round snack, cocktail, oval snack.
The silent auction ended, and it was to my astonishment that I had placed the highest bid. I was now the proud owner of a 3 month membership to hot yoga town. Joke is on them cuz this gal can go EVERY DAY AT ANY TIME. Even so, I was quite pleased with my win and decided to cast aside any fear that I had about group classes, much less hot steamy ones that I had never taken before. Now I just have to start...

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