Thursday, April 2, 2009

All the Pretty Horse Whisperers

Today I was reminded ONCE AGAIN of my inadequacies when it comes to the realm of cool.

I was emailing back and forth with my lovely James Hetfield lovin', Greek goddess friend who is based in London (weep!), and we started discussing how I really needed to somehow acquaint myself with James Franco. We mused, as we often do in tangential form, about how I would just happen to position myself on NYU campus, and what I would just happen to be wearing (a t-shirt with a shark eating a kitten, maybe, but like, really tight), but then the tricky part of starting a conversation came up. What makes me a rather terrible New Yorker in many ways is that I am somewhat shy when it comes to initiating dialogue. That said, I am a great New Yorker in that I can ignore anyone. However, I shall not be ignoring James.

I dislike the notion of striking up a conversation with a celebrity by starting with their "work". The thought alone makes me cringe with embarrassment. I think there is a Dutch term for embarrassment felt for someone else in a cringe-worthy situation. (Pipe in any Dutch readers out there.) So, Greek Goddess and I were running through IMDB with all the possible film references I could make to James, and then exhausted and overwhelmed I suggested "I thought you were great in Batman."

And then I didn't hear from my friend for a spell. Dead silence. Crickets.

Finally, she broke with silence with "Apologies for the condescending geek that I am but it's Spider-Man if you're referring to Franco. Oh I hang my head in shame at correcting you. Besides there is only one James that earns the right to giant, bold font and that is The Mighty Het."



Anonymous said...

dry as a bone, and we like it like that!

Anonymous said...

wait, you're shy when it comes to initiating dialogue... i'm screwed! -S

Unknown said...

The Dutch phrase is "plaatsvervangende schaamte": feeling shame on behalf of the other, as if one were the other at the moment when the shameful circumstance occurs...
Glad to help anytime.
Your Dutchman in New York,