Wednesday, April 15, 2009

R.I.P. Samsung t219

The most spectacular of phone deaths occurred last night.

Whilst walking to meet a friend in the driving rain
my phone slipped from my gloved hand
hit the sidewalk
split in two
one half landed in a puddle
where it was immediately run over by a delivery truck
(important to note is that this also created a fabulous arc of dirty puddle water which made it's way to my jacket, tights, skirt...I just can't clean up nice, it seems.)

Luckily, a shiny new T-Mobile store just moved in around the corner from my home. I went in today, got an upgrade and they found it in their hearts to give me a new phone at my 100% discount as my plan was coming to an end in July. When gazing lovingly at my new phone, I exclaimed, "It's so fancy!" to which the youth behind the counter said "Ummm...not really."

Earlier he described to me his busy lifestyle in a laconic monotone reserved for those under 30 years old.

His attitude made me giddier than usual, and I think by the end of our transaction I had acquired a bit of a southern lilt to my voice and I started looking at all the techy things with wide eyed wonderment. "Goodbye now, y'all hear!"

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