Sunday, April 5, 2009

Forced Intermission

Whilst chopping cilantro destined to be added to a batch of guacamole for today's Campfire Women picnic, I inadvertently sliced off about a 1/8 of an inch of my left index finger, nail and all. Luckily, my hands were really cold and I could staunch the blood flow for a bit. I called a friend for an adrenalin talk down, then fashioned a band aid out of a cotton square and packing tape. When I had it re-dressed by another friend later that morning, she laughed at the hobo-esque quality of my bandage, but was gracious enough to wrap it up in gauze and surgical tape. She is a real adult with an actual First Aid kit. I am in awe.

It hurts to type.


Anonymous said...

(woohoo. i got blogged)

Anonymous said...

i love the comment on this: