Thursday, February 26, 2009

Movin' On Up - Sort of...

One great thing about not working during the day is the ability to get things done. Unless a book or an endless chain of Youtube cats doing zany things catches my eye. A huge misnomer about being unemployed is that I have nothing to do. Au contraire people, I am busier than ever! Sometimes I will even go as far as to help others. On Wednesday, I volunteered to help a dear friend move. I knew it wouldn't entail lifting anything over 5 pounds (as was stipulated in our verbal agreement), but I did want to help in some very small way.

It was a rather painless move, except that when we got to the new apartment, parking was scarce and I was asked to sit in the box truck to avoid a ticket. That was how I found myself on a Wednesday at noon sitting in the driver's seat of a moving truck in the cold while the movers shlepped boxes up 4 flights of stairs. I felt a little guilty about this, but soon became absorbed in an article about Bernie Madoff. Then I became furious. The tale of broken trust and enormous swindle is maddening enough, but taking in the full account whilst freezing, breathing in exhaust, checking on my unemployment status was just too much to bear. Something about dialing a number where I was told to call back due to excessive call volume (read: overwhelming unemployment claims) with a picture of a man who sits in a 24 room mansion on the Atlantic Ocean under "house arrest" on my lap struck me as incredibly unjust. For an instance I felt a wave of anger and frustration akin to what I can only imagine an 19th century peasant may have felt.

Needless to say, I became incredibly grumpy. Fortunately, an hour later I was sipping a fantastic Riesling and discussing this very blog entry. (META!)

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