Monday, November 2, 2009

Washington Irving's Tea Bag Quote

Oh come ON!
I finally get a temp assignment and yes, everyone is nice, the commute is a breeze (I don't even have to go above ground- i wikkid heart Rock Center sometimes), the environment is lovely, breaky and lunch are provided, access to private email! As Squeezannah put it, “It's like the olden tymes!”

It’s not even 2:00 p.m. and I have caught up on all my news, even a bit in German. (Showy offy, you might say, but really, does reading about Amy Weinhaus really count?)

All in all it is kinda nice to have structure in my day. Ask me again in two weeks.

I like the warm glow in the elevator bank. As I wait for the lift down, I marvel at how there is something about cherry wood walls coupled with 60 watt bulbs behind faux deco glass that makes me feel like a professional. Then I make my way to the cafeteria and see not only a spread of fruit and yogurt, but coffee buffet complete with sachets of Swiss Miss cocoa. Gone is the patina of professionalism and all I can think is “Imma gonna make a poor man’s mocha! Woot Woooooot!”

I refrained from concocting this gluttonous bachelorette drink, and instead opted for cherry herbal tea. Once I sat down at my corner desk, I noted the quote: “Great minds have purposes, other have wishes.”

Dude, I wish I had made that low brow mocha.

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