Thursday, June 25, 2009


Today sucked.  There, I said it.   But really, it sucked a lot.   I woke up and immediately knew things were not gonna go well.  Before I went to bed I broke my kitchen light ON.  Like, the pull string snapped and now it is permanently ON.  So the morning was spent waiting for an electrician.  Finally, I grew impatient so I went to the library.  Nothing terrible occurred on my way there, but walking through the Botanic Garden on my way back was when I heard that a certain "something" was ending.  Via text message.   DOUCHENOZZLEDOM!
By the time I got home Farrah Fawcett had died.  I tried to doze and watched Chaplin.  A real pick me up.  Talk about tears of a fucking clown.  Yeesh!  That guy's life sucked.

 I cooked collard greens.

And then Michael Jackson died.

Not the best

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